The following requested changes have been completed:
Request No | Description | Version Released |
1-20 | These change request numbers were internal changes as part of initial development. | 1.1 |
21 | Provide an Advanced Find facility in Client Maintenance. | 5.0 |
25 | Provide a quick search by Phone Number in Client Maintenance. | 5.0 |
26 | Add wheel mouse support to the Client Summary. | 3.41 |
27 | Provide a facility in Adhoc Reports for users to create their own layouts. | 3.01 |
28 | When starting Client Maintenance automatically display one of the search screens. | 2.24 |
29 | Include Portfolio Care Products for Hillross Advisers. | 2.24 |
30 | Provide a facility to choose the punctuation when building the default Mailing Name for Individual Clients. | 2.24 |
31 | Trade Insurance Contract needs updating. | 3.41 |
32 | Please update Business Insurance to include the following: 1. Need to be able to enter Sum Insured for each Risk. 2. Add the General Property Risk. | 3.41 |
33 | When you click on Partner when adding a new Financial Profile, is it possible for the client's surname to automatically populate the choice list. | 4.0 |
34 | Allow the Occupation Class Picklist to be modifiable. | 5.0 |
35 | Allow the Health Assessment Picklist to be modifiable. | 5.0 |
37 | Provide a Change Adviser Number Utility. | 3.42 |
39 | Advanced User Administration facilities required, eg. Do not allow specific users to Delete Clients. | 4.0 |
45 | Change 'Superannuation Plans' Contract as follows: 1. Allow up to four beneficiaries 2. Allow up to four Rollovers, incl Date, amount and source. | 3.41 |
45a | The Group/Employer Super Contract needs updating. | 3.41 |
46 | Need to alter the allocated Annuity/Pensions screen as follows: Remove the installment, Stamp Duty and Annual Premium Fields. | 3.41 |
47 | Allocated Annuity/Pension screen: 1. Remove the Class of Business field. 2. Increase Policy Type to cater for the description 'Guaranteed Annuity'. | 3.41 |
48 | Darken the lines on the Client Details Report perhaps make dotted. | 3.41 |
49 | Merge the Occupation Group and Industry Picklists. | 3.41 |
50 | Merge the Income Continuation and Business Insurance Overheads into one Contract type called 'Income Protection'. | 3.41 |
51 | Remove all references to 'AWB' and 'CDB4W'. These no longer apply today. All of these AMP specific contract types can no longer be chosen for new Contracts. | 3.41 |
53 | Would be good if there was a box to tick asking if postal address is same as residential, so that address would automatically flow through and we don't have to type it in twice. | 3.41 |
54 | The Map Reference field is not present for Company Details, can we add it please ? | 4.0 |
56 | Allow Folders within Folders in Document Manager. | 3.41 |
57 | Allow Files to be sorted by either Name or Date. | 3.41 |
58 | A 'Tools & Equipment' field is needed under Trade Insurance - Construction Option under 'Other Cover'. | 3.45 |
59 | Please place a Pet Cover option under Home Contents - This is because some people have Pet Cover who do not having Building Insurance. | 3.45 |
61 | Can we have a utility so that we can cull contracts/clients via adviser no. | 3.42 |
62 | Can we add attitude to Risk fields for a Client. | 3.45 |
63 | Please show Underwriter and Policy Type for Contracts in left hand side. | 4.0 |
64 | Please add a place under the superannuation fund members screen to enter TSC benefits (income insurance). | 3.41 |
65 | Can we add a facility to import multiple files at once. | 4.0 |
66 | For Home Insurance Building details we need a field to enter the year of construction and the type of construction. | 4.0 |
67 | Please allow a space as the mail seperator in Preferences. | 4.0 |
68 | Is it possible to provide a way to identify Client and Non-Client relationships on the LHS of the screen, possibly using an asterisk or colours? | 4.0 |
69 | Add Mobile Phone number to the "Account Statement excludes General Insurance" Report. | 4.0 |
70 | Please add Farm Insurance. | 5.0 |
71 | Please add Boat Insurance. | 5.0 |
72 | Please alter the Financial details of General Insurance as follows: "Total Premium" to become "Premium" and add a new calculated Field "Total Payable" just after the terrorism charge field. | 4.0 |
73 | Please provide a field for Fund Balances for Superannuation Members. | 4.0 |
74 | Please add "Needs Analysis" to the FSR Document Dropdown. | 4.0 |
75 | Please add "General Advice Warning" and "No Advice Warning" to the FSR Document Dropdown. | 4.0 |
76 | Can the FSR History be locked similar to Archived Notes ? | 4.0 |
77 | Can we have an After Hours Email Field added to Individuals. | 4.0 |
78 | Please add a Tick box to both Home Building and Contents for Domestic Workers Comp. | 4.0 |
79 | Please add a Rent Default/Tennant Theft Tickbox and a Loss of Rent Field to the Home Building Option. | 4.0 |
80 | Please add a Specified Items Option to the Motor Policy. | 5.0 |
81 | Please Default Review mail and OK to Call To Checked for New Clients. | 4.0 |
82 | Can you make the Review Type Picklists modifiable. | 5.0 |
83 | Please add a No Claim Discount on the Motor Vehicle, Vehicle Details screen. | 5.0 |
85 | Can we show current contracts in a different colour than inactive ones. | 5.0 |
86 | Please update the postcode file. | 5.0 |
87 | Please add the facility to add Contract Notes and Documents. | 5.0 |
88 | Please update the Tax Rates. | 5.0 |
89 | Please add Privacy Statement to the FSRA Dropdown list. | 5.0 |